Library Regulations

Policy Statement

Every person admitted and given permission to use the Sai Library material, equipment, facilities and services is obliged to know and follow the Library Regulations.

Library Material Regulations

All resources in the main collection are shelved and may be borrowed for an appropriate loan period after completing a registration form, as determined by Library Regulations.

Some items, designated as "high demand," are kept at a special section and are only available for internal use. Persons who wish to use any of these resources must remain inside the Library at all times. "High demand" materials may be outside the Library premises or used for making copies with only with special permission and, for a short loan period.

Library Use Regulations

Open to all devotees of Sathya Sai Organization


  • All Uusers must register with the Librarian before borrowing for the first time.
  • Registration forms with personal details are completed by each applicant, while any change of address or telephone must be notified at once.

Borrowing entitlement and Borrowing Periods (load period)

  • Books and Journal Articles: The maximum number of 2 items for maximum loan period of three weeks for each item.
  • Cassettes or Videotapes from the Audio visual collection: The maximum number of two items for maximum loan period of two weeks for each item.
  • The members can ask for the items borrowed by other users to be put on reserve or waiting list.
  • In case the reserved item is not taken out within 2 weeks after it is returned to the library, the reserve request will be cancelled and the item will be removed from the waiting list.


  • After the expiration of the borrowing period, books may be reissued to users, if the book is not in waiting list or on reserve.
  • Short loan items may not be renewed.
  • All items (books, cassettes and videotapes) may be renewed by email or telephone or in person.
  • The librarians shall have the authority to limit or extend the loan period of certain items or forbid their loan when considered necessary.
  • At the end of the loan period, books must be returned to the Library. In case of late return, user may lose the privileges of using the library in future.

Lost or Damage of Materials

  • If the user does not return the items on loan in two months, these will be considered "Lost" materials.
  • Users shall be held responsible for any loss or damage of Library Material that is in their possession and may be required to pay full costs of replacement or repair. Such loss or damage should be reported immediately to the Library Issue Desk and the Librarian shall determine the amount to be paid.

Conduct of Users

  • Users should be quiet, while using the Library and not disturb others.
  • Mobile phones and personal audio equipment should be switched off while using the Library.
  • No food or drinks are allowed in the Library.
  • It is the users' responsibility to return the borrowed materials on time. The Library reminds the due dates to the readers via e-mail and / or telephone. The aim is to prevent late returns and support the circulation of library materials.

Service Hours

  • The Library remains open every Sunday between 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
  • The hours of opening may be subject to change during holidays and Summer vacation. Announcements shall be posted at the Library entrance.

Devotees are welcome to visit the library and use the reading room as well as borrow books to take home. Contact Brother Srikant Patel for more details.